Custom web links

The system administrator can use the Create Web Links page to create a link to a web page to help employees as they use HRMS Employee Self Service. For example, you might want them to be link to your company's intranet.

After the custom web link is created, you can add it to a page by using the Custom Content tab of the Employer Setup page, the Benefit Elections/Links page, or Open Enrollment/Links page.

Each web link you add displays as a hyperlink (shown as star icon Web Link) in the Links section at the right of the page, below any system-defined related links (shown as star icon Emergency Contacts).

To create and manage web links

  1. Log on to HRMS Employee Self Service as the Master user.
  2. On the Administrator menu, select Custom Content > Create Web Links.

    The Create Web Links page contains a list of the custom web links that were already created.

  3. To create a new web link:

    1. Click (the New icon).
    2. On the Create Web Links detail page for Name, type the text to display for the web link, such as Company Intranet. (Keep the name short so it does not wrap to a second line.)
    3. (Optional) For Description, type a description of the web link. This description displays when you select it to add to a page (using the Custom Content page).
    4. For URL, type complete URL address of the web page, including http://. For example, to point to the Sage website, enter
    5. For Single Sign-On:

      • Select Yes if the URL links to another product and that product uses the same logon as HRMS Employee Self Service. The employee would not need to re-enter their logon after they click the web link.
      • Otherwise, select No.
    6. Click Save.

      The new web link is now included in the list on the main Create Web Links page.

  4. To edit an existing web link, click the name of the link, make your changes, and click Save.
  5. To delete an existing web link, click (the Delete icon) after the link you want to delete, and confirm that you want to delete the link.