Setting up enrollment questions

Use the Enrollment Questions page to set up specific questions for benefit plans that are displayed to employees as they enroll in their benefit plans.

Example: For a dental plan, you may want to know if they have any other dental insurance. The enrollment question could be:
Are you enrolled in a dental plan from any other company?

You must define your questions and assign them to a benefit plan. Enrollment questions appear on every benefit plan you have designated.

To add or change a benefit enrollment question:

  1. On the Administrator menu, select Benefit Setup > Enrollment Questions.
  2. The table on the Enrollment Questions plans page shows all current, unexpired benefit plans set up for your employers in Sage HRMS. The table shows the enterprise or specific employer, the benefit plan, the plan's effective date range, and the number of questions (Count).

    Click (the Edit icon) in the row of the benefit plan whose questions you want to add or change.

  3. The table on the Enrollment Questions page for the selected plan shows questions set up, including the order of the question, the text of the question, the type of answer, the values for the answer, and whether the question is inactive.

    • To add a new question, click (the New icon) in the upper-right of the page.
    • To edit a question, click (the Edit icon) in the row of the question you want to change.

    Note: If you want to delete a question ,click (the Delete icon) and confirm that you want to delete it. However, you cannot delete a question that was answered by an employee during an enrollment. If you no longer want to display that question to employees, mark it as inactive.

  4. On the Enrollment Questions detail page, enter or change information about the question. Details...

  5. Click Save.

    If you added a new question, it is added to the table on the Enrollment Questions page for the selected plan. If you edited an existing question, its information is updated in the table.

Note: During the enrollment approval process, you will be able to see the employees' answers to the questions as you review their enrollment for approval. (You can also retrieve the answers by capturing the information in a Crystal report. See Enrollment questions fields to use in creating the report.)