Benefit Eligibility - Employment page

Use this page of the Benefit Eligibility wizard to limit which employees can enroll in the benefits plan based upon specific employment-related criteria. If the employee does not meet the criteria specified, they are not eligible to enroll in the plan.

Items on the Employment page


Item Description

Employee Type

(Required) Select the check boxes before the types of employee who will be eligible for this benefits plan. You can click Select All to select all of the check boxes, so that eligibility is not restricted by employee type.

The types listed originate from the employers you selected on the Benefit Eligibility - Employer page.

Employee Status

(Required) Select one or more employee statuses (Active, Terminated, Leave of Absence) to be used for plan eligibility.


Select whether employees eligible for the plan are salaried, hourly, or both.

Exempt Status

Select whether employees eligible for the plan are exempt, nonexempt, or both.

Minimum Age

If there is a minimum age requirement for an employee to be eligible for the plan, type that age.

If there is no age requirement, enter a zero.

Example: The minimum age requirement is 18. If an open enrollment period has an effective date of 1/1/2022, an employee who turns 18 on or before 01/01/2022 can enroll in the plan.

Note: Employees who do not have a birth date set in HRMS Employee Self Service are eligible for the plan.

Minimum Hours Per Week

If an employee must work at least a certain number of hours per week to be eligible for the plan, type the minimum hours.

If there is no hours requirement, enter a zero.


After making selections for the items on this page, click > to go to the next page of the wizard: